Online Admission


Entry Classification: *
Department: *
Grade Level Applying for: *
Program : *
School Year:
2025 - 2026
Surname: *
First Name: *
Middle Name:
Chinese Name: (if any)
Date of Birth: *
??    ( unknown )
Place of Birth *
Religion *
Nationality *
Are you a foreign student?*
ACR Number
Passport Number*
Type Of Visa*
Date Issued *
Expiry Date*
Contact Number *
E-mail Address *
E-mail Verification Code *
Present Address: *
Permanent Address: *
Click if the same as your present address

If the applicant is currently enrolled in another school, you will be required to upload her current Certificate of Enrollment and her grades for the first month/quarter/semester from her current school (along with the first set of required documents). If NOT currently enrolled, kindly type 'NA' (not applicable) *


By clicking this option,I hereby grant Immaculate Conception Academy the permission to use the information provided in my application for admission purposes.I am fully aware that any inaccuracies or false details provided herein may lead to the nullification of my admission or enrollment process.
* All indicated with (*) are mandatory or required fields.